Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Rest of My life in Football

The rest of my life in football had its ups and downs but the worst year was fifth grade I had to play offencive line and barley any playing time. Then after that year I thought I did not want to play any more. Then I did play. That year was OK, but I did not play the position that I wanted. I did play alot more though so it was kind of fun.
  Then it was seventh grade which was very fun. I played running back and defenceiv end that was exactly what I wanted to play. Then the very most funnest year was eighth grade I played running back and outside linbacker. I got alot of sacks but the worst part was I did not run the ball that much.

Starting Football in my Life

I first played football in third grade and it was hard because I was against forth graders, and most of the forth graders are ninth graders and they go to this school. They still play today but they are on a different team now, because they split them up in grades.
 Then I was a forth grader playing against third graders and that was very fun. I played running back and middle linebacker. Those are the two funnest position that any one can play. I can barley remember those two years but I now that I must have had a good time because I keep playing every year.